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Doctors' Portal 
Our Services

  1. OBSERVERSHIP - Medical graduates who wish to observe clinical practice in Germany are assisted by hospitals in collaboration with Synergiepunkt Germany, helping them prepare for accumulating experience as well as jobs. SPG has teamed up with several hospitals which ensure guaranteed observerships in their desired medical field. Our services include consultation, researching options suitable for candidate’s preference fields, editing, proofreading and formatting of resumes in German language according to EU norms and shortlisting of hospitals suitable for preferred medical pathway. Observership duration can vary from 4 weeks to 6 months.  Candidates who have a minimum work experience of 6 months-1 year and have completed B2 Goethe certification are welcome to apply. 
  2. OBSERVERSHIP & JOB -  Medical graduates who apply for observerships through SPG are offered a work contract (Berufserlaubnis -temporary work permit) after completing their observerships in their preferred medical field. SPG works closely with hospitals who guarantee the observer a job and work permit soon after found meritorious. These jobs can also furnish the needs of students seeking a Post-Graduation by undertaking ‘Facharztausbildung’ which is deemed equivalent to an academic PG. Candidates are encouraged to pursue observerships first to apply for jobs. However, doctors with substantial work experience (minimum 2 years) and language competency of B2/C1 as well as Telc Medizin are welcome to apply.
  3. LANGUAGE SERVICES - SPG has managed to collaborate with a few language schools in Germany which cater medical professionals aspiring to apply for observerships or jobs in Germany. We offer consultation in helping you choose the accurate language course and school which match your schedules and commute. B2, B2/C1 Telc Medizin, Fachsprachenprüfung, Kommunikationstraining für Ärzte, are some of the modules where we offer consultation. Synergiepunkt Germany offers the C1 Telc Medizin exam preparation module for doctors in collaboration with a select few language schools in Germany. We guide you through the process of application for all of the above as well as getting admission in a language course.
  4. RESUME MAKING - SPG has expert resume writers who have critiqued hundreds of resumes, cover letters and application letter in German. Being a German language institute, SPG has a fairly vast amount of experience in resume building for medical professionals. We create, proofread and format resumes in German language according to EU norms deemed fit for medical application for jobs or observerships. 
  5. NURSES PORTAL - Nurses are much in demand in Germany. This combined with the fact that Indian nursing staff have made a name for themselves the world over underlines our endeavour to encourage you to pursue opportunities in Germany. The German language requirements being at B2, we have created a module starting at B1 and leading to B2.
  6. VISA INTERVIEW CONSULTATION - As part of the application process, the German Consulate interviews the candidate after screening the documents. This interview is the final filter which decides the outcome of the application. SPG prepares you for this final phase as part of our services.